A Divine Encounter: Interviewing Strangers about the Bible


In a quest to explore the beliefs, perspectives, and encounters people have with the Bible, we embarked on a series of captivating interviews with strangers from all walks of life. Join us on this enlightening journey as we delve into their unique experiences, thoughts, and understandings regarding the sacred scriptures.

The Blog Interview:

Our blog interview series focuses on engaging with individuals who may have varied backgrounds, religious beliefs, or even a lack of religious affiliation. We aim to create an open and inclusive platform for diverse voices to share their personal relationships with the Bible in an authentic and respectful manner.

Exploring Different Perspectives:

During our interviews, we dig deeper into questions such as how the Bible has influenced their lives, the impact it has had on their worldview, and the significance they attach to its teachings. We learn about their favorite passages or stories and how they interpret or apply them to their own circumstances.

Discovering Unexpected Insights:

Through these conversations, we've encountered fascinating and unexpected perspectives, witnessing the power of the Bible to touch lives in diverse ways. Some individuals may find solace and guidance, while others appreciate its literary value or historical significance.

Building Bridges:

Our goal is to foster understanding and bridge gaps between individuals with differing beliefs or experiences. By sharing these interviews, we hope to create a dialogue that promotes respect, tolerance, and mutual learning among diverse communities.

Join Us on this Journey:

We invite you to read our blog interview series and embark on this exploration of the Bible through the eyes of ordinary people. Prepare to be inspired, challenged, and enlightened as we uncover the rich tapestry of experiences and perspectives surrounding the timeless wisdom encapsulated within the pages of the Bible.


Through our blog interviews, we aim to foster a sense of unity amidst diversity, encouraging individuals to engage with one another in thoughtful conversations about the Bible. Join us on this remarkable journey as we celebrate the ability of this ancient text to transcend boundaries and touch the lives of individuals across the globe.